Does the layer inherit the Lambda function's runtime version if I don't choose a compatible runtime when I create the layer?


We use Node.js runtimes for our Lambda functions. When I create a layer, the compatible runtime selection is optional. If I don't set the value, does the layer inherit the runtime version from the Lambda function? Is it mentioned in any Lambda documentation?

asked 7 months ago309 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The compatible runtimes parameter when creating a layer determines which layers are displayed when adding a layer to a function, but does not affect actual layer compatibility. If no compatible runtimes are specified for a layer, Lambda will invoke functions using that layer against any of Lambda's supported runtimes. The "compatible runtimes" property does not enforce true compatibility at the runtime level - it is simply metadata that controls layer discoverability.

answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • Thanks for the response. Would like to clarify with an example here. If the Lambda function's runtime is Node.js 20.x but the compatible runtimes of the layer is 16.x, when the Lambda function is invoked, does the code in the layer run on 20.x or 16.x?

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