Glue job error - Error while List shards


Getting error while connecting streaming data from kinesis to redshift with few transformations using visual ETL. (using amazon kinesis - glue data catalog table as source ). Schema is already defined prior, hence crawler is not used. Error Category: UNCLASSIFIED_ERROR; StreamingQueryException: Query [id = 30dc3a82xxx, runId = ba421exxxx] terminated with exception: Error while List shards

  • Thank you. Adding kinesis endpoint worked. If I'm connecting through external source to redshift (eg. psycopg2) getting same kind of error to establish connection to redshift and same to connect tableau. Is it a similar problem?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Check the driver error logs, that could be a permission issue, that the stream is in a different region or similar

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Checked region and permissions which seems correct. Tried another method to directly stream into redshift using external schema and materialized view , even then getting error - error: Unable to describe stream code: 42001 ,Timeout was reached Stream name: name query: -1[child_sequence:1] location: kinesis_client.

  • Timeout normally means you are running in a VPC without internet or a kinesis endpoint (could also be the security group but is less likely)

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