Regret full Decision to chose AMAZON: Still Issue with DNS Verification CNAME & MX Records Gives an Error While adding to domain Registart


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Enter image description here Hi there,

Its been almost 3 week I joined Amazon Light sail this is so much regret full decision I ever had where I faced plenty of difficulties like I have lost most important emails due to not setup work email as suggested by your peers.

I have got error while adding CNAME And MX Record , it says invalid host and my domain register is

I have tried to remove webstechnologys

Find attachment of error of domain verification and what error do I get from domain register.

looking forward to hearing from you thanks

Best Amir Ali

2 Answers

Now you have updated the screenshot I see your issue now.

Your domain is pointing to the wrong name servers. You need to update the glue records for the domain.

The name servers in your Route53 zone do not match the name servers defined on your domain. Update the name servers via your registrar to match. This should resolve it.

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answered a year ago
  • please provide steps in written here so I can do it

  • please anyone help me to resolve this issue, I have already losted a lot, my entire 2 week business is down due to email is not setup due to nameservers

  • The 4 NS records in your zone need to be defined on the domain record via your domain registrar. Every time you recreate the zone you have different NS records. It looks like you may have changed them already.

    In your screen shot take those name server records and update the name servers are your registrar.

    The name servers here need to match the name servers in your zone

  • You must have a different zone setup some where because the a record for your website is still resolvable. Your new zone in your screen shot doesn’t have your webserver record BTW


These things try us when using new technologies as with any product.

I don’t recognise the dns gui in your screen shot, where’s that from? The dns records need to go into route 53

However, I think I’ve see where you have gone wrong.

When you created the records in route53 you have created the cnames, etc with the domain name Twice.

In your screenshot you have _amazonses..

When creating records in route53 the domain name is appended by default.

It may be when you’re clicking the copy button it’s copying the whole host name, however you only need the name before the first dot.

Try and manually create a cname of _amazonses in your route53 domain.

Don’t create it as

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answered a year ago

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