Aws Amplify hosting


We have a new website hosted on AWS Amplify platform, its a Next.js React app. For past 3 weeks we had server and site going down 4 times randomly, from 25 minutes, up to couple of hours being down. Not sure what we can do about that? Can we have a dedicated machine to host new site or what can we do to prevent this happening? Note, we did not do any site updates or work when this incidents occurred. Site is fairly simple without any special functionality.

asked 9 months ago206 views
1 Answer


Have you checked CloudWatch Logs and metrics and found anything unusual?

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answered 9 months ago
  • Hi Riku,

    thanks for your response and excuse me on delayed response. I have checked CloudWatch and set some alarms for slow site and site down I think, since last time site going down. I did not find anything unusual, although I am not so familiar with CloudWatch and am I not sure I have checked it properly.

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