EC2 Instance Connect endpoint RDP connection is not supported in GovCloud?


Hi all

I cannot connect to a Windows EC2 instance using RDP and EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint in GovCloud. It worked for a commercial account in the same way I did in the GovCloud. It's not supported in the GovCloud?

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I can see it is supported in the GovCloud - but only working for SSH, not RDP.


1 Answer
Accepted Answer

To resolve this, ensure that the instance’s security group allows inbound RDP (TCP port 3389) traffic from your IP range. Also, confirm that Remote Desktop is enabled on the Windows EC2 instance and that the instance is properly associated with a public or private IP address accessible via VPN or Direct Connect. Alternatively, you can configure a bastion host in the GovCloud environment to act as an intermediary for RDP connections.

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answered a month ago
  • Hi there, thanks for the reply. Seems like there's a problem with the instance I created. I launched another instance and it works without any change. Thanks for the reply anyway!

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