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Failure to send sms using AWS SNS


I'm using cognito and I would like to send forgot password verification codes using SMS. Doing so using emails works, but I would like to switch to SMS. I have moved my SNS out of sandbox and my account is active in production mode in my specified region. Also I have requested an increase of spend limit and this was granted and I again updated the new value on SNS and on pinpoint. On trying to send an SMS, I get the following message on cloudwatch:

"Your account requires additional review prior to being able to send SMS messages. Please create a support ticket with an explanation of your use case."

I don't see where the problem is considering I followed the documentations on how to use SNS. Kindly assist.

1 Answer


Apologies for the inconvenience you are facing while utilizing AWS SNS.

As a best practice, we recommend replying back to the same AWS Support Case ID where you initially requested the limit increase : this way the engineer assisting you they get to know that your issue is not resolved and also from your side you can get feedback directly regarding your limit increase.

In-case you have Business/Enterprise support you can chat or call AWS Premium Support to get a faster response.

answered 2 years ago

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