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S3 Backup Vault - Cross-Account Copy Job Slow?


We have a Sandbox account and setup Cross Account Copy Jobs across accounts. The S3 bucket has 3 objects at roughly 500 kb, the first copy job took 21 minutes, assuming full backup of S3 taken. The next one (should be an incremental) also took 21 minutes, and with AWS infinite wisdom, we cannot see the bytes transferred so I cannot tell how much data has been transferred over.

So question is, is this normal behavior, because I would hate to see how long gigabytes to petabytes of data getting copied over to the other vault.

asked a year ago494 views
1 Answer


With regards to the AWS Backup service the copy job completes with the backup job and buckets containing fewer than 300 million objects back up at a rate close to 1,000 objects per second [2]

For a deep dive on the same, I would recommend opening a support case to the AWS Backup team [3]. On the case please provide the following:

  1. The Backup plan name
  2. Region
  3. Copy job ID

[1] [2] [3]

answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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