Amazon Connect Custom Status


I read from the documentation that custom status are treated similarly to Offline status.

Is there a way where a custom status can still receive an inbound call but not a predictive call?

asked a year ago243 views
2 Answers

Nope, in order to receive an inbound call, agent must be in Available status. Can you please elaborate on the use case? Why do you need Agent to receive an inbound call in Custom status?

Vikas P
answered a year ago
  • Our agents are following a specific schedule on a daily basis where they are answering emails and sms from customers, during this time, they are currently on offline status to avoid predictive calls, however, they are also unable to answer incoming calls from customers. They are to switch status every 2 hours from offline to work on those emails and then switch to Available to accept predictive calls and inbound calls.

    What we want to achieve is that even if they are scheduled to work on those emails and sms, they can still accommodate inbound calls.

    Hope this answers your question.

  • thanks for sharing details.

    By Predictive calls do you mean Outbound Campaign calls? For Connect perspective, predictive calls and inbound calls are same. Let me know how you are differentiating between these calls.

    one way to do this will be to have agents in Available status and assigned to a Routing Profile that has queues only for Inbound calls.

    You can have predictive calls going to another queue/routing profile so agents won't get these calls. Though when you need to handle these predictive calls, supervisor/agents will need to switch to this routing profile which can be done either via the APIs or Connect Portal.

  • Your suggestion is actually what we did for a few days however, we find it too tedious on an hourly basis to switch agents' routing profile.

    Our agents are tasked to handle Inbound (calls from our customers), Predictive Outbound campaigns and Dial numbers manually. Also, they are working backend to answer emails from our customers.

    Basically, The predictive campaigns are running during business hours (say 9-5pm). Now, for our agents not to be loaded with calls while working backend, we decided to have an hourly schedule where agents will switch offline to stop receiving predictive campaign calls so that they can work backend to answer emails. However, since they are switched offline, we are now unable to receive calls from our customers until they switch to Available after an hour to cater calls.

    I hope this answers your question.


What you’re describing is pretty common and I’ve not seen any other contact center platform solve for this in a straight forward way. Here’s what I’ve done in my past.

  1. Create two pools of agents. Voice only and backend only. You can then monitor your agent utilization and decide how many agents are in each pool.
  2. Modify your routing profiles to only answer voice calls after they have been in queue for > 5 minutes. If your voice traffic isn’t too heavy and you feel that your callers can wait 5 minutes then this could be a nice way to do both.
  3. Force all your callers into a callback and then do step #2 with a call back queue.

Personally, I like #1 the best. But it will require the most oversight as you should monitor your efficiency weekly if not daily to ensure you’re getting the most use of your agents and handling the most tasks.


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answered a year ago

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