how to get permanent IP address with AWS Glue so that it can be whitelisted in rds sg


Hello everyone,

There is use case that data engineer uses glue service of us-east-1 to connect and crawl data from awscn rds instance via rds public endpoint with JBDC method.

question: in order to security, we don't hope open all port in security group of the rds, we would like to add us-east-1 glue's permanent ip to security group(ip whitelist). what is the permanent ip about the glue? is it,, also we queried all of us-east-1 IP it is too big and we can not find any description which one ip range belong to glue.

US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1,

asked 2 years ago2024 views
2 Answers

When you setup a Glue Data Catalog connection you can specify a VPC, Subnet and Security group if you want to connect to a resource which is within your vpc - Glue will then use ENI's within this vpc for the connection. You can use similar to talk to resources outside your vpc (eg aws CN), the subnet you use would need internet connectivity ie a nat gateway which can be given an Elastic IP which will be static/permanent. This Elastic IP can be used for your security group

answered 2 years ago


when you crawl a database you need first to define a Connection in the Glue Catalog. The Connection aside from defining the jdbc connection string will define the VPC , Subnet and security group that will be used by Glue to procure the ENI.

The VPC, subnet, and security group are inherited from the RDS instance. Hence you do not need to specify any IP just make sure the security group has a self referencing rule granting access to all TCP ports to makes sure Glue can function properly.

You can check this documentation page for further information.

see the following screenshots from the legacy connection page on how to create a connection and last a screenshot of the security group associated both with RDS and Glue Connection:

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

hope this helps

answered 2 years ago

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