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My Friend's AWS account got hacked!!


Hello Experts,

My friend's account got hacked a few days ago.

My friend tried to log in and got an error that the information was incorrect. He received an email from AWS that his email has been updated. Billing charges are still being generated and there is no way to stop it.

He contacted AWS regarding this issue but it seems he got a generated email response.

What should he do?

  • Hi, When you say he contacted AWS, you mean he opened a ticket?

asked 2 years ago547 views
1 Answer


i understand that your friend's account is hacked and the billing price is going up.

please try completing this process[1] this is to regain access to your AWS Account so you can delete resources,also read through this documentation[2].

Compromised accounts fall on the customer side of the shared responsibility model, so you will want to act to try and regain access to your account if you have not already.

Reference link



answered 2 years ago

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