AWS Client VPN silent installation


Hello, we're looking to do a central install of AWS Client VPN (3.1.0) via Intune. If done interactively, it forces the user to accept the EULA, I was hoping we could do a totally managed installation (you know -- like real enterprise software...), especially considering our desktop users won't have local admin privileges so they couldn't possibly install it without manual intervention from our support teams.

I've tried to get silent installation working locally with typical msiexec params like /i ... /qn but nothing happens. If I try logging the install with /log <logfilename> then I end up with an empty log file.

Is there a way to silently install this?

asked 2 years ago287 views
1 Answer

Well, Intune magically performed the installs silently anyway even though I didn't get it working locally with msiexec. At this point not investigating further but will leave this here in case it helps anyone else!

answered 2 years ago

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