Can you use CDK to configure openSearch serverless as a data source in AWS managed Grafana



Can you use CDK to configure AWS openSearch serverless as a data source for AWS managed Grafana?

If so can you provide some sample code or point me in the right direction where it may exist?

Any help is Greatly appreciated,


1 Answer

Looking at the CDK API reference, there are no L2 constructs available for AWS Managed Grafana, however L1 constructs are available. L1 constructs are designed to expect the same properties as using the AWS API directly. L2 constructs abstract another layer of implementation away from using the AWS API directly.

The L1 construct CfnWorkspace and it's associated properties CfnWorkspaceProps can be used to enable OpenSearch as a data source via the dataSourcesproperty in CfnWorkspaceProps. This only works if the IAM role in OpenSearch is configured properly to handle data from Managed Grafana and you are using CDK to create a new workspace in Managed Grafana.

If you would only like to update an existing workspace to add OpenSearch as a data source, you can use a CustomResource construct in CDK with the UpdateWorkspace API and the workspaceDataSources property (should be fine to use despite the documentation saying otherwise).

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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