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All Content tagged with Amazon Corretto
Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK). Corretto comes with long-term support that will include performance enhancements and security fixes.
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26 results
I have an Elastic Beanstalk environment with Corretto 11 and Amazon Linux 2. Now I want to upgrade to Corretto 21. It seems that only Amazon Linux 2023 supports Corretto 21.
Unfortunately wh...
From FAQ, Amazon Corretto can support all features on Java SE. I have an application that is running Oracle Java 8 with Enterprise JavaBean. When trying to switch to Corretto, I got the unknown except...
I have Correto 17 installed on Amazon Linux 2 via "sudo yum install java-17-amazon-corretto" Command. Now new version was released (
Hey I was installing Amazon Corretto 17 JDK from an IPV6 only device and it is unable to connect to or while using yum or n...
My company is moving away from Java Corretto and replacing it with OpenJDK. We are suspicious that one of the services, MWAA, uses Corretto because we found it being installed in this repository...
I had Tomcat 8.5 With Corretto 8 on Platform 4.2.7.
When I upgraded the Platform to 4.3.11, I was unable to change Corretto to 11 from 8.
So the system now runs Tomcat 8.5 With Corretto 8 and n...
Hi, All,
I am trying to install Tomcat 9, over amazon linux2, using Amazon extra repos, but it gives an error:
Refusing because tomcat9 could cause an invalid combination.
When listing the available...
I wanted to try to use Amazon Corretto so I tried
FROM maven:3.9.3-amazoncorretto-17
ARG CHROME_VERSION=113.0.5672.63-1
ADD google-chrome.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo
RUN microdnf ins...
If I am writing a commercial project using the amazon corretto 11 jdk, do I need to indicate in the license for my program that I use amazon corretto 11 or in the program itself in the program ...
We recently switched to using Corretto Java 11 and I noticed that something called log4j-cve-2021-44228-hotpatch gets installed as a dependency. This package executes a script that appears to be modif...
We need to check if the following TLS1.2 cipher suites are used or not in Amazon Corretto 8 JDK:
We have an application on elastic beanstalk which is on a java 8/Amazon linux 1 platform. A few months ago Amazon sent us an email telling us that Amazon linux 1 will no longer be supported by ...