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All Content tagged with Amazon Verified Permissions
Manage fine-grained permissions and authorization within custom applications
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I'm experiencing persistent issues with EKS permissions for an IAM user who has been added to the system:masters group in the aws-auth ConfigMap but continues to receive forbidden errors...
It is very simple to secure an API with AVP following e.g. https://aws.amazon.com/de/blogs/security/authorize-api-gateway-apis-using-amazon-verified-permissions-and-amazon-cognito/
But for a real-liv...
**Current State of Our Application:**
We provide API-level authorization for REST APIs exposed by our application.
We are using Cognito for user authentication and AVP for authorization.
Requests fro...
In AVP i have the following policy template;
permit (
principal == ?principal,
action in [NS::Action::"ListUsers"],
I'm using IsAuthorizedWithToken. Essentially with a ...
I have several folders in my bucket uploaded between 2021 and 2022. The bucket is set to have public read access and everything works great. I went to add another folder this week to the same bucket ...
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to create an API Gateway with authentication based on a Cognito user pool.
To grant or restrict access to the API endpoints, I'm using AWS Verified Permissions with the ne...
We have, for example, the role "Measurer" for multiple companies. For a user to be able to submit data, they must have the role for the specific company they wish to submit to.
Are there examples for...
I have multiple projects and at each project I have multiple roles. How to handle this in verified permission and Cognito ?
Is it possible to map Cognito attributes to AVP Set type in the schema as below with `somelist`, where the `somelist` custom attribute in the cognito userpool is a comma separated list of values.
can someone explain me the difference between scoped permission vs when we give permission to normal user
document is little bit tough to understand, if some one can explain the by comparing it with...
I am trying to do a Create Stack and when I get to the Permissions NONE of the Roles I have created will show in the IAM role name? I have created numerous roles in every single category allowed excep...
It is showing, "You do not have sufficient permission on your user to administer CodeWhisperer. Ask your account administrator to provide you with the required codewhisperer:ListProfiles permission to...