All Content tagged with AWS Free Tier
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286 results
I need to create a database SQL server, but I want to use the free tier, and I was told that for this I need to use the t2 scheme. But I do not see this in any schemes, what is the problem?
So i created a EC2 instances ,and volume for that was ebs instant volume after that i terminated the instance ,so my volume should also be deleted with this ,but when i see my usage of ebs it shows...
I am a beginner in clouding and deploying web-based apps . and i decided to choose free server to test my app and API . I chose " T3.micro " with free tier and in its details in running instance it...
I got charged for Route 53 in free tier. Need some guidance why I got charged
First i'll explain past scenario when i used EC2 instance with load balancer and then ask question better with that context.
I ran an EC2 instance for 1-2 weeks. This instance just had a running...
I want to add Cognito as an identity provider solution in my application. It is necessary to track when users log in and log out,
so I plan to use a server-side auth solution similar to...
Hi everyone,
Just a quick question about the usage hours for OSS pricing. What exactly is a usage hour?
This will be useful to know so that I can estimate my project costs before I undertake the...
I have installed in two of my ec2 instances the cloudwatch agent to retrieve the data of the memory and disk usage. I was expecting that to count as 2 custom metrics for each of the instances (4 in...
I am experiencing connection timeout issues when attempting to connect to Gmail's SMTP servers on ports 465 and 587. The nc command consistently fails with a timeout error.
I am using AWS sagemaker in free tier. I get an error related to the quota for endpoint usage when I try to deploy a FM. I tried with multiple FMs. I understand that the highest endpoint in free tier...
Why was I charged? I am not in the AWS free tier period?
Virtual Private Cloud = USD 0.94
Elastic Compute Cloud = USD 0.81
My region is us-east-1
I found this detail:
$0.005 per Idle public IPv4...
I am in the AWS Free Tier and i am exploring things in AWS. I am a developer and i can understand EC2, RDS etc but **NOT VPC, Subnet, NAT** etc.
I have created an RDS (MySQL) **Free Tier instance**...