All Content tagged with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) accelerates cloud development using common programming languages to model your applications.
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I was trying to re-work the solution "secure-media-delivery-at-the-edge-on-aws" to bypass the use of DynamoDB and directly use the videos from S3. Unfortunately the build and deploy steps provided...
When creating Bedrock action groups, we are getting the following error "Failed to create OpenAPI 3 model from the JSON/YAML", despite the OpenAPI being valid and it working if pasted in the agent...
I am trying to mount EFS on EC2 instances with the help of user data script using AWS CDKv2.158.0 and both are in the same VPC. While trying to do that, mount is failing due to a **File System...
Why does CDK show an RDS EngineVersion change when the CDK version and the GUI version are the same?
I have a stack with an RDS db. The version was originally ds.PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_5, but has been updated to 12.19 manually over the years. It shows as version 12.19 in the GUI. I updated the...
We have a VPC that needs to be peered with another VPC managed by a partner organization.
We've tried:
const securityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'security-group', {
I have a public Rest API gateway. I've defined a method, but unfortunately it is not being attached to the stage and deployment appropriately.
When I look in the rest api gateway in the AWS console,...
I am using aws-cdk-lib as a dev dependency in my serverless aws project using Lambda Functions and aws cdk for resources provisioning in typescript and this package is listed under the dev...
Hello AWS Community,
I am facing an issue with my AWS CDK deployment where CloudFront is compressing and caching all the build files except for the main.js file.
**### Steps Taken:**
1. **S3 Bucket...
I have below cdk code in stack.ts for AWS glue where i try to set enable Job bookmark option:
const L2gluejob = new GlueJob(this, 'obs_rep_job', {
jobName: 'OBS table replication',
I believe this error is related to the opensearch domain endpoint URL being too long. Here is the full error including the domain endpoint.
"errorMessage": "ConnectionError(Failed to parse:...
Hello AWS Community,
I am facing an issue with the build size of my React application when distributing it via CloudFront. Here are the details of my setup:
1. **Build Process**
* I am compressing...
I am creating a python lambda with lambda layer for the opensearch module dependency.
Locally, I pip installed opensearch-py into lambdalayerstuff/opensearchpyFolder
Here's my CDK code: