All Content tagged with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) accelerates cloud development using common programming languages to model your applications.
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393 results
When setting up AWS Config to send to > Event Bridge > SNS, am I able to specify certain rules that AWS Config generates to send to the event bus? Or am I only allow to send ALL rules to the event...
I am trying to modify an existing Config rule to send to an event that will eventually go to an SNS topic and perform the rest of the functions needed.
However, I am not able to find this on an...
I am in the process of trying to create an alarm via CDK. My Alarm references AWS Config; but specified resourceType is **AWS::S3::AccountPublicAccessBlock** When I go through the console I am able...
I have below code for setting up alarm for AWS glue job using CDK:
import { aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch, aws_events as events } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
// jobName. This is our AWS Glue script to...
I'm wondering if it's possible to have a DashboardVariable update a LogQueryWidget in a dashboard. I'm using CDK Typescript fro this.
So far, I've had no luck trying. All other widgets I'm...
I have created an empty CDK pipeline and package. In the CDK package, I created a deployment stack for Kinesis stream which created 3 new kinesis streams. There are 3 DDBs existing in the AWS...
we have an AWS WAF configuration with a mix of custom rules and managed rule sets. We would like to redirect all block actions to one specific error page from our website. Currently we have...
Hi AWS, I have created an EKS cluster using AWS CDK Python, here is the link for the code repository:
Once the EKS cluster is up, I have updated the kube config...
I am using CodeCatalyst for a serverless application which uses CDK. I have two workflows - one for development and another for production. After deploying to development environment, I intend to use...
How Are Cloud Map Service IDs Generated?
I am creating a Service via CDK. It seems like no matter how many times I destroy and re deploy the Service it always has the same ID.
Using CDK, I am trying to configure an HTTP API Gateway integration that will proxy traffic to an ECS Service using Cloud Map and Service Connect. I need to specify the ARN of a service discovery...
Trying to deploy a pre-trained model uploaded to S3 to an endpoint using CDK. However, when I create the model with cdk:
model = sagemaker.CfnModel(self, "MyModel-24",