All Content tagged with Amazon Rekognition
Amazon Rekognition offers pre-trained and customizable computer vision (CV) capabilities to extract information and insights from your images and videos.
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Hi folks,
Reaching out because I've noticed that the newest updates to DetectModerationLabels API has been very wrong for some of the content being reviewed. Some content is getting flagged with...
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to create an AWS Custom Labels Cloudstack via the template provided by...
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to create a Rekognition Custom Labels Cloudstack using a template provided by AWS Media2Cloud but I keep encountering an error regarding CustomResourceLambda's node version...
I have a training and test data set, each with 10 or so labels applied. I created a model on that data. Let's call it Model 1.
Then, I created a new project and used the same data set, but I removed...
I am viewing the test results of a model trained through AWS Rekognition Custom labels for image classification. When filtering to False Negatives images only I get the below image. I was under the...
When using AWS Rekognition Custom Labels with my data, does the service use that data for other than to train my models? Is the data used to train other customers' models or for any other purpose...
We are only adding new users into our collection when IndexFaces QualityFilter passing 'HIGH' threshold. However, we noticed recently that low quality photos are also getting accepted by this level of...
I've set up a successfully run a python script that will take a source image and do facial comparision against an S3 image sub-directory. However, when I add a .png which does not have any...
The 2 API from Rekognition share a same structure at some level of depth in the Response: FaceDetail (the object that contains lots of info about a face: ageRange, boundingBox, sunglasses,...
im using AWS PowerShell cmdlet `Find-REKModerationLabel` to get image Moderation labels. The powershell is using model v6, i guess until its automatically switched. Does anyone know whether its...
I created a s3 bucket named: digiphoto-lumen-avventori-pdv-test (without special chars) in the us-east-1 region.
I created a Role with:
CloudWatchLogsFullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess,...
Hi I can't get my test and training images via custom labels to train. I've put in the minimum of 50% overlap. Is there something that I need to do on labels perhaps? It simply won't train. Do they...