All Content tagged with Amazon Rekognition
Amazon Rekognition offers pre-trained and customizable computer vision (CV) capabilities to extract information and insights from your images and videos.
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I am currently attempting to learn how to use Amazon Rekognition. I was working with an example project focusing on the detectLabels API. In order to train the model for the example project,...
Hello everyone.
I am an intern beginning a new project focusing on computer vision through a Machine Learning Model. Our goal is to detect based on images whether the object in focus is properly...
I am trying to train the custom labels model using a dataset. Since the bounding boxes are mandatory to train the model, i need to remove some of the true negative images which does not have any...
My organization was formerly using @aws-sdk/client-rekognition version 3.231.0, but in an aid to use the Faceliveness features we had to update to version 3.606.0, All the older features
This is how i send the request:
image = {
'S3Object': {
'Bucket': bucket_name,
'Name': path_s3
When trying to create a dataset in Amazon Rekognition Custom label i get the following error :
Network Failure Request id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Is there a function that can automatically identify the same person from a face collection and classify the collection by individuals?
Specifically, I want to upload multiple photos taken at a...
Hi, AWS Java client throwing an exception wih the following text: \"We are writing from the Amazon Rekognition team. We noticed that a few of your requests are being throttled for DetectLabels API in...
Hello, I have a question regarding the screen for detecting face liveness using Amazon Rekognition. I followed this [guide](
Can we do any restriction on Amazon rekognition API request ?
or can we set perticular number of request ?
**Problem Statement:**
While processing the images from S3->SQS->Lambda->Rekognition APIs, due to lambda concurrency, parallel processing will be executed and I'm getting duplicate data, if a person...
Hi, I am a business coach and I use AI to support my coaching programmes. I am trying to discover whether I could use Rekognition facial recognition to analyses the video of a client in a coaching...