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All Content tagged with AWS Artifact
AWS Artifact is your go-to, central resource for compliance-related information that matters to you. It provides on-demand access to AWS’ security and compliance reports and select online agreements.
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29 results
Once BAA is signed at the organization level , does it get applied to all:
IAM roles?
service accounts?
Basically applied everywhere?
Thank you
published 9 months ago0 votes2.2K views
What's New post
published 9 months ago0 votes1.9K views
AWS Artifact launches support for automation through the AWS SDK
Hello, I recently reviewed the latest compliance reports (such as SOC2 and PCI) for AWS regions, and could not find any information on the new Tel Aviv Region -
"I currently have a pipeline set up in our infrastructure account that runs in the production environment upon code merge. To enhance disaster redundancy, I would like to implement the same pipeline i...
Our auditor requested the AWS SOC 1 report.
So I created my account with followed step 1 on the online instructions.
Then I tried t...
I tried to download a SOC 2 Report from AWS Artifact After downloading the report paper clip icon doesn't have an attachment and doesn't have show navigation pane buttons. Even though I have installed...
I tried to research this but couldn't find many resources in my language. What I want to do is to be able to pull a .json file containing information about a product using the AWS API. Can you help wi...
according to documentation ->
it only takes one artifact object, and hence creates the p...
I have created a parameter file which contains Parameters, Tags etc. I want to pass the parameter values to template.yml file.
Parameter json file ->
"Parameters": {
"Bucket": "s3-my...
We have retrieved the SOC reports from AWS Artifacts. Is there a gap letter for the SOC report in 2022. In other words, the SOC reports provided covered all the way to 9/31/2022. We need a “gap lett...
I deployed component to Raspberry Pi with AWS IoT Greengrass.
The Raspberry pi is in normal condition.
The deployment status of the components is also normal.
But I have an error.
I set it as ...