All Content tagged with Amazon Elastic Transcoder
Save Costs and Get More Features with AWS Elemental MediaConvert
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Can elastic transcoder support braw video files? It's for black magic camera.
Hello! I've been trying to transcode an .wmv file to .mp4 using MediaConvert, and this is what happens:
1. The original file has 50min and 23 sec
**After transcoding it with MediaConvert:**
1. The...
When i try to encode with the media convert a 30-second video, the duration of the output video is 30.6 secs.
This is problematic for our industry because we should match the exact duration of...
I am trying to build a job for amazon transcoding but I keep getting this error.
> Error creating transcoding job: operation error Elastic Transcoder: CreateJob, https response error StatusCode: 0,...
I am trying to create a trancoding job. While creating I am getting one of the error "Output 'chunk_240.mp4' must have a SegmentDuration since it is part of a playlist". But the segment duration...
I need to transcode a few hundred H.265 MP4's to H.264 MP4's, and I was wondering if The Amazon Elastic Transcoder can do that. I couldn't find any documentation that specifically states...
I took a free tire database service for my cloud database. It's already running out of due date. So I removed my database from my account and I have terminated all instances. But still they are...
When you use AWS Elastic Transcoder and add a caption file, you'll get a line like this in the m3u8:
Note the space in front of LOCAL - video.js and...
Elastic Transcoder is creating segmented webvtt files for my HLS streams, with headers that look like this:
Is there a way to configure...
I want to raise the bitrate of a ProRes source file from say 20Mbps to 50Mbps. How can I do that with Elemental Server? I have an Elemental File server that I use for MBR encodes and HLS packaging,...
I am using AWS Elastic Transcoder to encode videos from different formats to mp4. Also I have videos with mp4 extension as input at my application. I need to check all the videos on corruption before...
I want to generate an output in AWS elastic transcoder 1080p 60fps encoded with h264 but it doesn't play for me because the maximum level configured is 4.1. Is there a way to generate an output to be...