All Content tagged with AWS CodeConnections
You can use the connections feature in the Developer Tools console to connect AWS resources such as AWS CodePipeline to external code repositories.
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I have setup a Github (V2) connection on codestar/codeconnection.
It lists/autocompletes the repository name and branches as expected in the CodePipeline source stage
The problem occurs when I trigger...
Hello AWS Team,
I have been looking into ways to set up a Sagemaker project to begin developing a Sagemaker pipeline for our MLOP's workflow. We want to use Github as our repo location which is...
hello Please help i can not create a Github Repo keep Getting this error and this is the ARN for my Code Connection FOR...
I am trying to create a new project in sagemaker studio and I sleected the default template for github, however it is failing to build. I started by creating a CONNECTION in codepipeline and noted my...