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All Content tagged with AWS CodeArtifact
AWS CodeArtifact is a fully managed artifact repository service that makes it easy for organizations of any size to securely store, publish, and share software packages used in their software development process.
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54 results
I am working on moving our locally-hosted (but in AWS) maven artifact repository to CodeArtifact. We have scheduled tasks configured for old/obsolete artifact cleanup. Is there built-in functionality ...
I'm experimenting with AWS Services to build my project, a backend Java using Docker for containers and Maven for dependencies, and Angular 16 for my front end, right now I have a VPC with 6 subnets, ...
I am configuring a pipeline that will contain several Bitbucket sources, and I will only use one build in this pipeline.
When I push to a Bitbucket repository, the pipeline checks all sources, I would...
Hi, I'm creating the Pythonvirtualoperator like this:
virtualenv_task = PythonVirtualenvOperator(
I am not able to publish the code version using AWS Code Artifact
![I am not able to publish the version](/media/postImages/original/IMiYha3FzbQHyBbQfzd2WdqA)
I have an AWS CodeArtifact repository for Swift packages created successfully and pushed a package into the repo.
But I am unable to add the package to my Swift Application, I followed the tutorial o...
**Build projects**
![Build projects](/media/postImages/original/IM8Rq01KEPTfG_5-tUT08OhA)
I have figured how to download a package from CodeArtifact using AWS CLI but we are very much a PowerShell shop. This is how I tried to download a package using PowerShell:
$buildPackage = Get-C...
Is there any limit on the number of the characters or number of statements that can be inside a single codeartfact repository. Currently we are adding a new statement for every onboarded customer. Als...
I successfully published a zip file to CodeArtifact using the AWS CLI:
aws codeartifact publish-package-version --domain my-domain --repository my-builds --format generic --namespace my-space --p...
I'm trying to get an artifact with aws cli from an ec2 instance in a private subnet.
Which CIDR should I configure in my security groups and NACL to be able to download artifacts from code arti...
I created a Terraform module and stored the *.tar.gz file in AWS CodeArtifact. Now I want to access that module in a subsequent Terraform module like this:
module "foo" {
source = "<some url t...