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All Content tagged with Amazon WorkSpaces
Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed desktop virtualization service for Windows and Linux that enables you to access resources from any supported device.
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539 results
I'm starting to see an issue with a few of my Windows WorkSpaces with the AlwaysOn running mode.
I have about 30 workspaces that reboot daily during a maintenance window. A few are not coming ...
I am running a WorkSpace instance but performance is hampered by the AWSWorkDocsDriveAutoUpdateService service taking 50% of CPU.
Is this normal?
Can I just stop the service; Any harm in s...
I would like to add IAM identity centre to my portal Resource as it is defaulting to SAML via CF template
How do I accomplish this
Type: AWS::WorkSpacesWeb::Portal
I use Quick Setup to create a workspace in Ireland. During the setup, there is no option to set the volume size. I choose "Power" bundle. And then I find the built workspace is use the most expen...
I am using AutoStop mode. I can see the cost of Workspace. But how to get the more detailed info, such as:
1. How much charge is incurred for the monthly fee?
2. How many hours have been used an...
On my Workspace, I install WAMPServer. So each time when I need to use it, I need to start WAMP server which takes some time and is inconvenient. And I need to open many other software such as VS...
How to change the registration code of an Amazon workspace?
How to copy & paste contents from Host computer to Amazon Workspace Web Access?
I am using Chrome, and when accessing Amazon Workspace Web Access, I have enabled the function so that "Clipboard ...
I try to access the workspace via Web Access:
After inputting the registration code, I get the following error:
This OS/platform i...
I am using Windows 7 so the 64bit Workspace client cannot install. When I install the latest version of Workspace Client(32bit) version, I try to login my workspace but get the follow...
When I install Amazon Workspace Client, it prompts that it will install a certificate authority(something like starfield ...), and ask me whether I trust the authority since all the certificates ...
I try to use "Quick Setup" to setup a workspace, during the setup, there is an option to choose the bundle:
1. There are Windows server 2016/2019/2022, will different version inccur different co...