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All Content tagged with Network Load Balancer
Load balance Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol, and Transport Layer Security traffic with high performance.
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212 results
I have an ECS service running a container with two port mappings:
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 15672,
"hostPort": 15672,
"protocol": "tcp"
I’ve set up an NLB for a STUN/TURN server and want to add a listener for the port range 49152–65535. Any suggestions?
I am running a Netty server on AWS that handles pure TCP socket communication, without using HTTP or any other protocols. The server is configured to handle only TCP traffic.
However, when I received...
# Help Needed with Multiplayer Game Infrastructure: Matchmaking, NLB, and Scaling Questions
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a **multiplayer game infrastructure** and have several questions about the bes...
Hi All,
I have deployed Transfer family Server with Internal VPC endpoint in specific accounts lets say Account A, now we have multiple accounts in AWS, multiple subscriptions in Azure and multiple p...
published 2 months ago1 votes211 views
announcing new enhancement for Network Load Balancer
I have a pretty standard set up
Route53 Record -> NLB -> Target Group -> ASG containing ec2 instances.
There is a custom healthcheck for the target group. Sometimes the nodes become unhealthy. The...
We have a two mail servers listening on 587. No matter what I do all traffic seems to be routed to mail server 1. I've tried stopping mail server 1 and requests see to trickle in to mail server 2 even...
The reason I'm asking this question is that one of my strategic customers is using the ‘eyeball users->NLB->DX->IP target’ architecture to deploy UDP services. If Client IP preservation cannot be disa...
I'm facing a connection timeout issue in my AWS setup and need some help troubleshooting it. Here’s the current configuration:
I have a public Network Load Balancer (NLB) set up to connect to an RDS i...
published 3 months ago0 votes206 views
The intention of this documentation is to provide the building blocks to create critical CloudWatch alarms which are fit for onboarding to Incident Detection and Response. It contains specific alarm b...
I am running a backend server on an Amazon EC2 instance and have set up Route 53, a Load Balancer, and Certificate Manager to manage HTTPS connections for my domain. I am using pm2 to ensure t...