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Hi folks,
My client has an EC2 reserved instance which we don't want anymore. So, I tried registering to the reserved instances marketplace as a seller to sell it. First, I entered the business name...
It’s already 2024, and buying a server on AWS still requires planning for the next 1 or 3 years. This is mind-boggling for most companies' constantly changing business needs.
Overall, I believe that...
Hi all,
I was bouth an RI that has profile is db.t4g.micro in ap-southeast-1 for my MariaDB RDS instance successfully.
I'm running an MariaDB that has profile is db.t4g.micro in ap-southeast-1a.
we have already many application deployed on aws beanstalk in different aws accounts , thise instance use on demand type , type load balancer with auto scaling min 2 max 20
so we decide to change to...
I wants to purchase RI for RDS, Redshift, and ElastiCache, and I'd like to know when specific instance types I purchased are now end of life, what will happen to my RI ?
For example, I purchased...
If I have two clusters, each with 3 instances, and I make a reservation for 3 instances, which cluster would the reservation apply to? If I delete one of the clusters...
I am currently learning about different Amazon RI types and came across merging of standard RIs ( However the documentation...
db.t2.micro RDS instance up and running and a db.t3.micro Reserved Instance, I would like to know if the cost of the db.t2.micro RDS is going to be 100% fulfilled by my db.t3.micro Reserved Instance?
Drawing on anyones experience with Reserved Instances here, im trying to understand if its possible to have an Account, other than the management Account, which is responsible for purchasing Reserved...
Dear Team - We have purchased AWS Reserved instances for our EC2 instances. Total approx coverage of RI for EC2 is around 78% last month. Now our team has decided to change the strategy and use saving...
Customer is not seeing the recommended savings on their billing account if they opt for 3 year no upfront reservation for RDS. However, when they do the same thing for 1 year no upfront, they see...
Hello - We current have an RDS reserved instance (RI) for db.t2.large that is good through November 2025. We also have a db.t2.large instance running that needs to be migrated. The notification we...