All Content tagged with AWS ParallelCluster
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39 results
Submitting a slurm job with parameters
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --partition=gpu-t4
fails with
sbatch: error: CPU...
I have seen example configurations where certain items, such as `HeadNode.Ssh.KeyName` or `HeadNode.CustomActions.OnNodeConfigured.Script`, need to be modified for specific use cases or cluster...
Hi all,
I have come across a technical point that could benefit from expert discussion.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD, starccm+ by Siemens) software does not use hyperthreading. It actually runs...
I'm trying to enable slurm accounting for multiple clusters created with AWS ParallelCluster 3, following [this...
UPDATE: I answered this question for myself. I re-created the AMI but manually (following these docs:...
I know Parallel Cluster3 doesn't officially support ec2-instance-connect and SSM but I'm trying to figure out why.
It seems to be failing in...
I have created a Slurm cluster on Ubuntu 20.04 using AWS ParallelCluster.
I then made a bunch of manual changes to the head/login node. I want to make a couple of small changes to the compute nodes...
I want to run a simulation on a parallel cluster (alinux2) using 2 hpc6a.48xlarge instances (192 CPUs). I created the cluster and submitted the job using slurm. The problem is that the job...
I have created a cluster following this workshop ([]) but...
Q: Has anyone created an OpenZFS volume in FSx and been able to mount the volume using the pcluster3 cli in AWS Parallelcluster ?
It doesn't seem to work. I created an OpenZFS filesystem, but I can't...
I am trying to create a prototype, which will processes the camera data using C++. The application I have is becoming slow as is struggling with processing the large amount of data I am receiving,...
Is there anyway to deploy compute accross Availibility Zones of a region?
It seems we can only specify one subnet per queue.
Also if I try to setup queues in different subnets I get 'The SubnetIds...