All Content tagged with Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
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I transferred my domain to Route 53 two months ago and forgot to verify my contact information. Eventually my domain went down, and I verified my contact information. Now the domain is back up but...
Dear Team - If I have VPC with DHCP option set which has custom domain and custom DNS servers (Non VPC+2 DNS). Can AWS DNS firewall still work in this scenario ?
My Lightsail instance has a DNS zone and a Registered Domain. When I ping the DNS name I see the correct IP4 address. However, when using the DNS name in a Browser nothing loads. Using the IP the...
I think I skipped a couple step before the transferring from Does anyone know how can I solve this? The nameservers are...
I have been fighting with trying to get our website up and running. I previously had the domain and hosting at and transferred it over. Now, all of the content is in S3 but it...
Something has changed over the weekend with AWS with regards to behavior with ping. We have multiple environments in use and the ones that we do not use have not responded to ping, if they have been...
I've activated DNSSEC on a VPC and I'm checking it's working from an Amazon Linux EC2 machine created inside this VPC.
I know that it's working since a can't resolve ''...
Hi! I bought a domain from route 53 and i was trying to link it to my amplify app using the custom domain but its throwing the following error One or more domains requested are already associated with...
Hi, I moved some domains from squarespace to route 53 after google sold. I'm not moving domain often but I probably moved domains a 100 times or more without any particular problems.
This time it...
I'm trying to transfer a domain into AWS Route53 but I get an error stating that the transfer failed: Number of domains exceeded for the account. Go to the Service Quotas console page to request an...
I'm using the origin domain and AWS Amplify to manage the frontend environment. I selected and created the subdomain in the custom domain settings. I also enabled the...
Hi !
I created wordpress hostign on lightsail with my domain not registred with Route53 .
It worked for few secinds on then started showing the error Invalid SSL certificate...