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All Content tagged with Amazon S3 Access Grants
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When creating a bucket via s3 Deliver to Amazon S3 bucket I get a AMAZON_SES_SETUP_NOTIFICATION file with an Access denied error, when attempting to send an email to my domain I get a similar file per...
Can anyone help me why I'm having this syntax error. ![S3 Bucket](/media/postImages/original/IMOiWKCDN6TAiABv1XLih25w)
![Bucket name](/media/postImages/original/IMKC3Bx_ntT1iGuDT3t6OEYQ)
![Test Code](/media/postImages/original/IMmrz644cVR_-sFGiXN2NzWQ)
I want my manager to be able to connect and upload to our S3 bucket via an FTP client. (but can't DELETE anything) So, I created a manager user group and policy, then assigned it. However, I get an e...
Hi, I have a webserver that write's to S3 and create a pre signed URL for the file to be downloaded, It is working locally. However, when I pushed it to EC2, the pre signed URL generated is not workin...
How do you create a architecture which involves components EC2, lambda, S3, parameter store, KMS, Scheduler in AWS. This architecture bascically need to be same across all accounts in the organizatio...
I am downloading cloudwatch agent in EC2 instances in Us-east-2 region and I have S3 gateway endpoint from S3 bucket using URL https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/amazon_linux/redhat/amd64...
I have IAM user set up for AmazonRekognitionFullAccess in region "ap-northeast-1". I want to do face matching on the image storing in the S3 bucket in different region "ap-southeast-2"
When I tr...
I have an api which takes a file from user and uploads it to s3. I am using my IAM access and secret to configure the s3 client. I have turned off all public access in my bucket and am using default p...
I have an application where I need to use s3 service. When I test credentials created manually in my aws account I can access to this services, but when I try to use it from serverless, I am having th...
I can't see anything in my SLS stacks that reset this account level setting that can be found at https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/settings?region=eu-west-1
I can manually change these in t...
Hey, I just read a blog post that mentioned a customer being charged due to (and not limited to) 403 requests on their S3 buckets. I'm curious to know, if someone knows my S3 bucket name and tries to ...