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All Content tagged with AWS Mainframe Modernization
Migrate, modernize, operate, and run mainframe workloads
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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 days ago0 votes35 views
This article explains how customers who use the AWS Mainframe Modernization service can leverage the AWS Countdown Premium offering to navigate through the challenges of mainframe modernization.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/m2/latest/userguide/qt-webapp-mainframe.html: Does it have any support/capabilities to convert ACUCOBOL (https://www.rocketsoftware.com/en-us/products/cobol/acucobol-gt) to...
When I am trying to generate monthly transaction report, no error is being shown but the output file containing the monthly report is not getting generated in the working directory either. Here are th...
When I tried to open an workspace created a few days ago, I encountered this error ***"Cannot open the workspace: D:\PhotonUser\My Files\Home Folder\ws\wsCardDemo.rwp Cannot open database "D__PhotonUs...
I am currently going through my AWS BluAge L3 troubleshooting workshop. In this step, https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/bf71c0bc-6d8a-4d04-9c10-ab479f7f0e37/en-US/data-migrat...
Auto complete is not working after changing the HTML and TypeScript Angular for COMEN01C. Drop down menu options are not visible.
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMp1vKRUq7Q...
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMFUoxwjHxSbqKeMRRsFbzMA)
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMXLj4ASnmS0iS48zmpDtgag)
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published 2 months ago0 votes185 views
This article details how we structure CloudFormation templates for improved parallelism, cost-efficiency, security and performances
Per this step in the workshop - https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/bf71c0bc-6d8a-4d04-9c10-ab479f7f0e37/en-US/data-migration/datasets/vsam-ksds ,
we have to launch the Tomcat serv...
I am trying to complete the l3 certification for BluAge. I am trying to setup the carddemo-pom, carddemo-tools, carddemo-entities, carddemo-service apps in eclipse in the BluAge Appstream instance (**...
Archive for required library: 'D:/PhotonUser/Workshop/maven-repository/com/netfective/bluage/gapwalk.datasimplifier-io/4.2.1/gapwalk.datasimplifier-io-4.2.1.jar' in project 'carddemo-tools' cannot be ...
I have completed the L3 workshop.
But today when I am trying to connect to my AppStream VDI, I am getting the below error (see attached).
I am unable to see my D drive which is the workspace I am u...