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All Content tagged with AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories. It makes it easy for teams to securely collaborate on code with contributions encrypted in transit and at rest.
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181 results
My Angular 19 code repo is at CodeCommit, I am trying to deploy that in Amplify. But I am getting these errors:
> aws codecommit credential-helper $@ get: 1: aws: not found
fatal: could not re...
I have tried and looked at all possible solutions. AWS credentials, AWS code commit permissions, git credentials I cannot seem to clone a code commit repository to local computer. I always get this er...
How I can check, if my free tier is expired?
because I am unable to create repository and i am thinking that may be it is because the free tier is expired.
I want to create a pipeline in ap-south-1 region.
Source is a codecommit that is in us-east-1 region.I want the pipeline in ap-south-1 to access repo which is in us-east-1.
I know we can configu...
Whenever I try template sync for AWS Proton, I get this error:
Repository sync status message
Clone Failed: Invalid remote: origin
published 3 months ago0 votes119 views
The article shares how using Git's `cherry-pick` helped me apply specific IaC changes from a `test` branch to `master` without merging all changes, streamlining my workflow. It highlights the efficien...
I'm creating codepipeline that need to get changes from develop and release branches and feature branch if possible. But when i make a pipeline with source stage of 3 branches ![Enter image descriptio...
As described below, AWS CodeCommit was closed to new customer.
[AWS DevOps Blog](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-migrate-your-aws-codecommit-repository-to-another-git-provider/)
Our comp...
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 months ago2 votes1.1K views
AWS CodeCommit is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of CodeCommit can continue to use the service as normal. Review this selection to learn more.
I have a lambda that will create a codecommit repository. It works fine when testing locally, but the connection to codecommit times out when run in aws. The logs show that dns is working, it is able...
Given the recent announcement regarding the demise of CodeCommit, does anyone know if there are any implications for CodeCatalyst?