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All Content tagged with Amazon EKS Anywhere
Create and operate Kubernetes clusters on your own infrastructure.
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I am running a cron job on K8/EKS. I would like to monitor whether the job succeeds or fails.
In Cloudwatch, I've found `pod_status_failed` and `pod_status_succeeded` metrics. They are both ze...
I was trying to delete a VPC in which i set up a K8s cluster using EKS, then I stumbled upon this:
"Network interface is currently in use and is of type lambda"
I checked in Lambda console and found...
Dear AWS Team,
We have launched our application server in EKS and we are trying to connect the oracle server which is running outside of the VPC through VPN tunneling. We are using cx_o...
I have a pod and I want to increase the ulimit on these pods. I have tried a couple of things to achieve this.
1. Increase soft and hard limit to 16384 on AWS host nodes by doing * soft stack 16384' ...
Dear Team,
Kindly help us to update the EKS default security group with custom sg rules using terraform, When we tried to do the same sg as rules are getting update automatically with default rule.
Hi! We've been running Kubernetes from on prem hardware and our network is connected to AWS. Would hybrid nodes fit?
Dear Team,
We have followed the below link steps and deployed the external dns when we tried to verify with sample application getting errors,
I've create a EKS login pattern with Access Entry like this:
1. Create Access Entry(let's say, EKSClusterAdminAccessEntry), attaching EKSClusterAdminPolicy and binding to an IAM Role (EK...
I am deploying trino application on aws eks with 2 different deployments:
- Deployment 1: EKS EC2 nodegroup for coordinator and worker.
- Deployment 2: EKS Fargate. (AWS STS Regional endpoints using...
I've tried to update my EKS cluster with two worker nodes from 1.27 to 1.28. Since it should be updating worker nodes first before the cluster update, one out of two worker nodes (cpu node) could be u...
I am upgrading my EKS cluster from version 1.28 to 1.29, the way I use it is as follows:
- Go to nodegroup -> Autoscaling group -> LaunchTemplate -> modify AMI to imge "amazon-eks-arm64-node-1.29-v20...
Currently I see that all clusters created via eksctl are set to extended support, is there any way that I can create new cluster and set it to standard support via eksctl (in the cluster create comman...