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All Content tagged with SAP on AWS
The platform of choice and innovation for 5000+ SAP customers and hundreds of partners
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63 results
Is VMC certified to run SAP workloads on AWS?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
Is there a recommendations on when to use Glue vs. AppFlow for extracting SAP data?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can be...
What automation tools are available for SAP on AWS ?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
Which Linux OS variants are supported for SAP on AWS?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
What are the current SLA's offered by AWS for SAP instances?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
Is it possible to use Auto Scaling for SAP Applications?
“NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.”
What operating system can I use to run SAP on Oracle database on AWS ?
“NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyo...
Is CloudEndure(CE)/AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS EDRS) supported for disaster recovery of SAP on AWS?
*NOTE:* This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provi...
The customer wants to keep custom FQDN for DEV & QAS when lifting to AWS, and they need to create certs in strust for access via Fiori. In this case, do we put the custom FQDN or Route 53's FQDN when ...
Performance : How does AWS Nitro System provide better performance for SAP workloads?
*NOTE:* This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that ca...
Can we use both “SLES” for Non production and “SLES for SAP” for Prod landscape?
“*NOTE:* This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can b...
Are there synergies between SAP Business Technology Platform and AWS services?
*NOTE:* This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benef...