All Content tagged with AWS Global Accelerator
AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that improves the performance of your users’ traffic by up to 60% using Amazon Web Services’ global network infrastructure.
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does anyone know if there is a plan to support the "Network Load Balancer" as a dual stack endpoint for Global Accelerator in the future? Currently the "Application Load Balancer" is the only...
hello guys , i am hosting my landing page in amazon ec2 , my all traffic is from india only and my ec2 server location is mumbai , should i need to use global accelerator for me ? because i want to...
I have a redis db on an EC2 in the us west region while other regions, eu-central and ap-southeast connect to it. I am using Global Accelerator to reduce the latency but I was wondering, are there...
I have a Global Accelerator (52.223.XXX.XXX) with an Endpoint targeting my EC2 instance (3.134.XXX.XXX). When clients send UDP traffic via the Global Accelerator, the response IP is that of the EC2...
I just created a new AWS account under our existing organization and am attempting to deploy our infrastructure to it (using Pulumi). It includes a Global Accelerator which is unable to be...
Now AWS Global Accelerator finally can be configured as dual-stack it would be a good option that you can 'alias' a dual-stack global accelerator as AAAA record in Route 53. You can now only use this...
I found that the network quality from mainland China to Tokyo, Japan is unstable, I don't know if it can be optimized
source ip :
destination ip:
I provide the source and...
I have a public ALB with a WAF firewall attached to it and a Global Accelerator endpoint which forwards traffic to this ALB.
Now, I'd like to limit direct access to the ALB to IP Range of the AWS...
I can add an endpoint to a group using `aws globalaccelerator update-endpoint-group`, but how do I remove an endpoint from an endpoint group?? Closest thing I can find is...
I have an S3 bucket set up for "Static Website Hosting", a CloudFront distribution with our own SSL certificate and allowing Host header, a Global Accelerator IP address attached to an Application...
Currently AWS Cognito stores users in one region. This causes all of client network requests go to this specific region, which can cause significant latency. (Imagine a scenario when Cognito region is...
The University that I work for has its own DNS servers. They are older and need an IP address to point to for the zone apex record. DNS migration is not an option. We have a site in AWS Amplify. We...