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All Content tagged with Amazon Security Lake
Automatically centralize your security data in a few steps
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17 results
Can we use AWS services as a custom data source in Security Lake, in addition to third-party services? If yes, how could we implement the data? After reviewing [
published a month ago0 votes178 views
New launch that provides seamless integration between Amazon Security Lake and Amazon OpenSearch Service. This allows you to search and analyze your security data in-place without data integration hur...
I am trying to set up security lake on a standalone account. When I go to the Security Lake page, I receive an error:
`An error occurred while performing action: ListDataLakes. The request failed bec...
I'm working on an integration for Wazuh and Amazon Security Lake as a custom source. Due to the nature of the events generated by Wazuh, and after performing an analysis of the event classes p...
I have Security Lake enabled with my org level Cloud Trail. Events are coming into the Cloud Trail Management table, `amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_cloud_trail_mgmt_1_0`, in the underlying Lak...
An attempt was made to enable security lake through a terraform module, the N. Virginia region and the Ohio region were enabled... the Ohio region remained in Initialized, from terraform/terraspace th...
I am running an AWS Glue Job, and the job is doing what it should, it takes the records from Kinesis stream and is putting it into the data lake. But it ends with a failure and error is as given below...
Hello I'm trying to enable a security lake but I faced this error for all regions: “ The provided execution role does not...
I'm trying to launch a security lake but I faced this error: “ An error occurred. The ARN specified for the AmazonSecurityLakeMetaStoreManager IAM role isn't valid. Check the ARN.
Any helpful ...
Are all of the features for AWS Security Lake available now in pub-cloud?
I am attempting to set up Security Lake in an AWS organization. I followed the documentation on by clicking "g...
According to the AWS documentation, "to collect CloudTrail management events in Security Lake, you must have at least one CloudTrail multi-Region organization trail that collects read and write CloudT...