All Content tagged with ECS Service Discovery
Your Amazon ECS service can optionally be configured to use Amazon ECS Service Discovery. Service discovery uses AWS Cloud Map API actions to manage HTTP and DNS namespaces for your Amazon ECS services.
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Hello, I have two ECS services connected as ECS Service Connect Services to each-other. Users are making requests to service A and service A is making requests to service B.
The request processing of...
I have 2 ECS clusters say cluster A and cluster B each having multiple ECS services running like service-a1, service-a2, etc and service-b1, service-b2, etc respectively. Each service is running...
I've deployed an ECS Fargate Task running a Docker container that executes a long-running process (approximately 3-4 hours). The task initially streams logs to CloudWatch successfully, but after...
I have ECS cluster with EC2 instances. My purpose is to deploy Postgres and Backend services so `backend` could connect to `postgres`. I don't want to use RDS for developing purposes, so I've created...
Can any one please suggest me best way to deploy a Laravel backend application using docker.
Local machine set up.
MahendraKumar V
I am in search of elegant/best practice way to integrate data from my IoT Core to existing ECS cluster compute workload. Despite a variety of ways AWS provides, I still don’t feel confident and not...
I am deploying Nginx as a service/task on AWS ECS with EC2, and I've run into an issue where I cannot connect to the Nginx welcome page via its public IP address. I can access that by using...
Could you please advise me on how can I install Sentinel One on ECS instance?
I went through all internet but I do not see any instructions. I have only found videos on how to test if it works...
Im trying to connect my service using service connect, I was connecting them using a load balancer but it seems over kill for my use case, I have an nginx config with my nextjs app, locally I can...
I'm trying to mount a EFS volume in a task Definition, but it shows that the EFS filesystem type is "unknown", this is on a Container on a EC2 instance.
If i am trying to deploy an application to the region far from my region on which the build is running using AWS code build for ECS deployment using codepipeline its taking more to...
After several months of inactivity my account shows no active instances. What process should I use to discover/rehabilitate my deployment?