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Questions tagged with Amazon Location Service
Amazon Location Service makes it easy for developers to add location functionality to applications without compromising data security and user privacy.
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35 results
I have an application running on ASP.NET hosted on an EC2 machine. Is there a way to track/log user location based on his IP? Which service might assist? AWS analytics?
I'm having issues accessing my Amazon Location Services API in the Web application. I see CSP errors for utilizing the API in front end.
Refused to load the image '...
Hi there
I am currently using Esri map layers (Street and Imagery styles) in my web application. I have noticed when I zoom right in , the map layers do not show street number. And it's the same for...
Im calculating a route between two coords through Route Calculator with python and boto3, it is working. But I need to get at least 3 different routes between two coordinates (if available).
Hey there, I have been playing around with the amazon location service api for a little bit now, and have been able to operate with the amazon location service maps pretty well using react/maplibreGL....
I'm using the AWS SDK for PHP v3.
I'm calling [searchPlaceIndexForText](
I can call this service w...
Hello everybody.
I want to get the collection list from the following API ‘’ provided by AWS documentation, I have followed...
We are using AWS location service's AutoComplete suggestions API to search for city or regions.
Index Used: Esri
We are observed multiple almost duplicate results while search by a city, for e.g:
Hi I'm getting a 400 bad request error with POST /places/v0/indexes/<indexname>/search/suggestions with the following request playload:
I'm noticing an issue in some of my AWS accounts. The exact same request to create a place index succeeded in one account but is now failing in another. The failure is due to a tag key not matching th...
As far as I can tell there is no ability to create VPC Endpoints for submitting requests to the Aws Location Service. Nothing comes up in the console for either 'location' or 'geo' as well the api end...
How is possible to get a letter of authorization for the public IP located in AWS