Questions tagged with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
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785 results
Hello, i have a EKS cluster running in version 1.21. The extended support ends on 15th of July and although the new cluster is almost ready we would like to have the option to extend our deadline a...
I have 2 VPCs, one for my EKS cluster and another for the RDS.
I have established a VPC peering between them, but I still receive errors from my application "connection timed out on port 5432".
We have created private appsync and vpc endpoint with private dns name option enabled.
These 2 options are also enable in VPC
1. DNS hostnames:- Enabled
2. DNS resolution:- Enabled
Still only zone...
Hello community,
I would like to know how to use the AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole that I already have created for one EKS cluster in another cluster. Considering the guidance from the...
We are running EKS cluster (k8s v1.27) with 4 nodes. One of the things we use the cluster for is to host gitlab runners which spawn new pods with new pipelines. These are our most active pods that...
Iam confused about the Bottlerocket AMI. The sense of Bottlerocket is to have a data snapshot with preloaded data.
This i was successful created. But now I have an issue with the usage.
1.) If I...
We are using Fluent Bit in our EKS cluster with custom Windows Core nodes. When a new Windows node is created, the logs from the pods running on it and the node itself do not appear in our CloudWatch...
Same as problem here
Cluster nodes are running bottlerocket. They are joining the...
We are seeing a lot of "failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init:...
Hey all,
We have a EKS cluster version 1.21 working well for a long time.
Yesterday we started experiencing pods failing to spin up, and then nodes stuck in NotReady state.
The event I could find...
I have a problem with bottlerock nodes inside our cluster.
1.) It is impossible for me to create a nodegroup on a preconfigured launch template for bottlerocket. To create a nodegroup with a launch...
I am currently utilizing the log router of EKS Fargate and encountering issues with Multiline Parsing. Despite following the documentation provided for Fluent Bit's multiline parsing at Fluent Bit...