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Questions tagged with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
The most trusted way to start, run, and scale Kubernetes
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808 results
There is a python code that does a task using GPU. And this task is multi-threaded through 8 threads.
In the EC2 environment, one process is floating on one g4dn.xlarge instance.
In the EKS environmen...
I am trying to pull the image on a EKS Worker node machine where runtime is containerd and
`aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account-id>.d...
I want to implement the same technical methodology provided by AWS Fargate, meaning I aim to replicate the features and benefits of Fargate but without actually using it.
And this i will use with EKS...
I need to transfer workload from Openshift to EKS.
I need workload deployed ready to make test on it.
I have an ECS service that contains 3 tasks. Everything runs on an EC2 instance `m6a.4xlarge` with 16 CPUs and 64 GB RAM.
I gave the whole task a memory limit of `19456`. All individual containers hav...
How can I tell an ECS container that it cannot use more than 10GB of memory?
I don't give the task any limits because I need alltogether in all container more than 10 CPU units and EC2 has a limit of...
EKS managed node-group fail to delete when one of its security groups also appears on an EFS network interface. The failure of the deletion is reported to be due to a dependency on an existing ...
I have read about EKS can be scaled up with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) in AWS Documents but I kinda of stuck where we get can't the precentage of CPU utilization (same for memory) for each Pod i...
EKS does not allow us to specify the k8s patch version when creating a cluster. It would be great to know when a new k8s version is available (especially regarding patch version).
We have some worklo...
I'm trying to run the neuron-device-plugin in our EKS cluster (following to run inf2.48xlarge nodes. ...
I have a workload running in EKS Fargate with 2 vCPU & 4 GB memory and max at first provision is 6GB
But one time my workload peaked and used more than 6GB maybe 8GB.
What does AWS Fargate do? Does ...
I am new to AWS Fargate
For the situation, I run Trino in EKS workloads with 1 worker 1 node 24 hours a day using 2 core CPU and min 4GB to max 6GB of memory in EC2 instance. So when I bring my Trino...