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Questions tagged with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
The most trusted way to start, run, and scale Kubernetes
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808 results
I have an EKS cluster which is using coreDNS add-on with the default resolver settings (which in my knowledge will use the VPC resolver IP of my region). I only have default VPC in the region.
My cl...
I am trying to create a pod from another pod which is running using python script.
When I do this:
# Load the in-cluster config
as well as
# Load th...
Hi I have ALB ingress that works perfectly. But when I put AWS Global Accelerator in front of it, the page returns 404. This is the ingress conf:
kind: Ingres...
Hi AWS, I have created an EKS cluster using AWS CDK Python, here is the link for the code repository:
Once the EKS cluster is up, I have updated the kube config...
I want to use linux kernel >=6.8 for EKS worker node.
Please suggest how can I use it. Is there any option to use Ubuntu 24.04 AMI for EKS worker node ?
If yes, how can we do it , as I see very lim...
how can I access pods running in an AWS EKS cluster for vulnerabilities? What are the options and best practices here?
We already use AWS Inspector for AWS Lambda and AWS EC2. However, no vul...
Hello team,
I am requesting help about several pods in our environments that are suffering an Eviction for no apparent reason.
Autoscaler version: v1.28.6
Version of our EKS cluster: v1.28
I'm unable to mount an EFS volume. I get this error on the pod:
Warning FailedAttachVolume 39s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "my-pv-name" : timed out waiti...
My eks cluster version is 1.30 and I am trying to upgrade my self-managed kube-proxy add-on through the AWS console to compatible version v1.30.0-minimal-eksbuild.3. But it fails with "ConfigurationCo...
I am trying to remove port 80 from our ingress annotations. The port 80 listener has the default rule of redirect to 443 since that's the annotation I have setup.
The listener rule for port 8...
our codecommit repos,ECR repos,codebuild jobs, codepipeline jobs in dev account which will deploy apps in EKS in the dev account.
now we need to deploy our apps in Prod account , so can we create a co...
I can't access my cluster through the bastion as the aws-auth isn't there anymore what can I do
This is the error
error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to pr...