Questions tagged with AWS Glue
AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.
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I need to write a Log Insights query to find all of the job run ID's associated with a Glue job within a certain time frame and when I write what I believe is the correct query I come up with 0 of 0...
Hello there!
I am trying to create a kind of push_down_predicate from a sql_query using the conceptions from []().
I am trying to create an aws glue rotine which consum an database table from datacatalog and an csv, in this way join this table based on two columns (on from each table). After that i added an regex...
Hi everyone, I need a bash script which gives me the maximum runtime of each crawler. it seems that the 'LastRuntimeSeconds' just gives the latest run can I have the max of run time for each...
I am creating an ETL pipeline over AWS Visual Glue Jobs going from a Glue Catalog => Change Schema => Flatten => S3 Bucket. However, I am getting the same error consistently during this process:...
I've been using an AWS Glue interactive Jupyter Notebook to write a script. This script reads JSON data from an S3 bucket, transforms the data types, and writes the output as a Parquet file back to...
Do I still get charged if I stop the Spark Session in the AWS Glue Interactive Session Notebook?
Still don't understand how AWS Glue Interactive Session Notebook charges me. On the website, it...
Hi, I am trying to test something. Consider that the key that was defined in aws glue catalog is deleted (CMK). so I don't have access the tables and DBs. I want to delete tables and DBs and re-create...
From one day to another, all my Jupyter Notebooks jobs links in AWS Glue got like the screenshot attached
![Broken link](/media/postImages/original/IMieROVZoTTXeimkxmSBKotg)
Any idea?
I’m getting an error from my glue job (see error below). I’m using kinesis to stream data to amazon redshift, and doing some transformations with Glue using the visual ETL. As data sources, I’m using...
Consider CloudFront Logs injected by AWS are stored in S3 with pattern:
`s3://aws-cloudfront-log-[AWS Account ID]/[Any prefix I preferred]/E[CloudFront Distribution...
following sample/example provided by aws here -...