Questions tagged with Data Lakes
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92 results
Hello everyone,
### 1. Context
We have a Delta Lake where we write our tables in **S3** in **Delta format**, and we use the **Glue Catalog** for queries in **Athena**. Tables are created both with...
I am trying to create a Delta Table from spark sql using the Glue meta catalog.
I can correctly query a Delta table using the Glue metastore:
select * from `my_table` VERSION AS OF 1 limit...
Looks like attempting to write to a Delta Lake table from a DynamicFrame is not working. The Visual Glue interface generates a script like:
s3 =...
Hello team,
We are planning to build a data lake in AWS that will contain regularly extracted data from an on-prem data warehouse. The purpose of this data lake is to serve the following purposes in...
This CDK code produces a "Resource did not stabilize" error:
data_location = lakeformation.CfnPrincipalPermissions.DataLocationResourceProperty(
In CDK, I am registering a datalake location with the following code:
lakeformation.CfnResource(scope, "S3BucketRegistrationResource",
Hi AWS community!
I am new for AWS.
How can I learn and land sucessful on AWS technology?
We are utilizing AWS Glue Catalog along with Athena v3 and Iceberg for our data solution.
We create tables using a CREATE TABLE query in Athena, setting the ‘table_type’ parameter to ‘ICEBERG’. Our...
Hello everybody,
I'm working for a small retail company, where we want to move our data to aws. Our data can be from different sources (postgresDB, MySQL DB or other unstructured data sources or...
The goal is to create an ETL job that can be altered and executed by non-technical users in our organization, which is why we are sticking to only visuals and not code.
The problem is that the nodes...
Hi TEam,
Me ew to AWS Data lake configuration. As per the doc, it refers to create the Glue connection which will be internally used by AWS BluePrint.
My database is running on EC2 instance of...
After using a crawler to create a table it shows the following error which I don't know how to fix.