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Questions tagged with Service Quotas
Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your quotas for many AWS services, from one location.
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157 results
**Context:** I am an Amazon Bedrock user that specifically cares about using Anthropic Claude models. I am being impacted `ThrottlingExceptions` that I can trace back to services quotes on `On-Demand ...
I see that the maximum size of the ingestion job is 100 GB. What happens if I reach this limit? In particular, what happens if I have more than 100 GB of data in my s3 bucket waiting to be ingested? W...
I added s3 data source with Claude 3 Haiku v1 parsing strategy to my knowledge base and when I run data source sync I receive this error:
Encountered error: Maximum total file size limit for give...
I recently created a new AWS root account to manage resources by team. However, I noticed that the service ...
I'm trying to use Sagemaker.
How, in practical terms, can I get quota for a ml.p4d.24xlarge for endpoint use? I know how to request quota, but my requests take days and usually get turned down. My o...
Does anyone know what the Q Developer Pro limits are? The website doesn't list any for general interactions.
I've been using it pretty heavily this month once I figured out how useful it could actua...
I noticed that the default Amazon Bedrock quota for models is set to zero. Initially, I was able to test the models in the console after they were first approved late October. However, I later hit the...
I see DDL and DML queries in [Athena Service Quotas](, but UTILITY queries are absent.
According to the [docs](
I need to run an instance with high memory and follow the instructions for quota increase but the request unsigned for 3 days, I need x1e.xlarge instance
Subject Limit Increase: EC2 Instances
Case ID ...
How can I increase the quota for granting access to another AWS account from Redshift Serverless. I already have 5 accounts added and I get the below error when trying to add another account.
I would like to clarify some doubts about the SNS Fifo.
* Link 1 -
Each individual message group can deliver a maximum of 300...
We are attempting to start work with on-demand Base Models (Mistral, Claude, or Titan) via the playground and API calls. I can't use any model at all in Bedrock playground and receive the error messag...