Questions tagged with AWS Support Automation Workflows
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22 results
I’ve been working on an AWS Systems Manager runbook and noticed that the AWS Document Designer recommends using aws:executeScript for script execution. I have written the same runbook using...
Facing 2 errors on automation step for L3 workshop. Not sure if these are related.
Step Link -...
I've spun up a new lightsail-wp instance, and am trying to go through the setup workflow.
* It's been assigned a static IP
* The domain registrar is Namesilo
* DNS is managed by Cloudflare
I've tried...
I am facing issue when I run command on "$DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH" path.
test spec file :
[DeviceFarm] npm test
> device-farm@1.0.0 test
> wdio wdio.conf.ts
2024-05-07T06:06:21.629Z WARN...
Hi team, we have AWS Developer support with 12h response time for system impaired, we are facing a difficulty and raised a ticket its been 2 days still its unassigned
I get the following message by running an image pipeline.
Image ARN: arn:aws:imagebuilder:eu-central-1:...:image/.../1.0.5/1 failed with error: Workflow Execution ID: '...' failed with...
Hi i was going through this blogpost...
can we invoke ssm automation from .sh script running on ec2 instance in private subnet. If this is possible, we can avoid creating gateway endpoint for each region to update dynamodb table as...
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to manage the first AD I've ever set up on AWS, and I'm confused as to why the management automation won't run.
If I initiate it from the console, using just the...
We are trying to upgrade our win2012R2 server to 2022 Server. But it is failing.
We are running the automation AWSEC2-CloneInstanceAndUpgradeWindows.
There it is failing at Step # 6...
I am planning to orchestrate etl jobs using workflow and I want output of one job to be input of another job. How can I achieve this.
Hello everyone!
I'm **completely new** to the AWS world and this is my first time navigating through this platform. I have a script written in Python that connects to the Facebook API to manage ads -...