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Questions tagged with Amazon Keyspaces
Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a scalable, highly available, and managed Apache Cassandra–compatible database service.
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33 results
I'm trying to connect to Amazon Keyspaces from EC2 Windows instance, and couldn't, BUT I can successfully connect to it from my local PC with absolutely same trivial console application:
using Sy...
How do I get a TTL expired event for amazon keyspaces? I dont see anything in the metrics
Hi AWS, I want to migrate data from existing SQL database to new Cassandra (NoSQL) database which we will be using for Enterprise HES application. Which is the best AWS service or in case I need to lo...
A company trying to send me my data says I need to provide the following things:
I have region and bu...
We are using Amazon Keyspaces with Django & Django Cassandra Engine.
In one of our table we have a column defined as a list (called 'date_list')
We do insert, update, delete without any issue.
I can't seem to find the ServiceCode for Keyspaces in the output from `aws pricing describe-services`, in order to pass the code into the `aws pricing get-products --service-code <value>` flag. ...
1. **Spun up an EMR instance:**
Spark 3.3.1, HBASE 2.4.15, Hive 3.1.3, JupyterHub 1.5.0, Hadoop 3.3.3, ZooKeeper 3.5.10, Zeppelin 0.10.1, Phoenix 5.1.2, Presto 0.278,
I have setup a local Kubernetes cluster and want to connect to AWS Keyspaces through the Kubernetes pod. When I tried to connect to AWS Keyspaces from the baremetal server using cqlsh-expansion t...
Amazon Keyspace write operations not reliable in my opinion. I am using dsbulk and always get failed records
On 06/29 around 7:25 AM i got this error "Caused by: com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.serv...
Is there a solution to copy keyspace data from one AWS account to keyspace in another AWS account? Table schema remains same.
Our team decided to move with Amazon Keyspaces from self-hosted Cassandra. After configuring with Amazon Keyspaces I found that logged batches are not supported. In our solution, there are multiple ca...
I am logged into AWS console as administrator and trying to use Athena to read files on s3 that I don't allow public access to, but it doesn't work. budget policy is as follows, work group is The budg...