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Questions tagged with Amazon WorkSpaces Web
Secure browser access to internal websites and SaaS apps.
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10 results
When trying to create a workspace web setup and trying to access it, getting the below error
Invalid SAML response received, but I have provided the idp [**I am using OneLogin as Idp**]generated file...
I am trying to create a workspace web setup with min 3 users for testing purpose and trying to connect through url but getting error. I have used OneLogin as Idp and I am able to authenticate and afte...
I have syntax issue with my Cloud formation code
Type: AWS::WorkSpacesWeb::UserSettings
CopyAllowed: Enabled
DisconnectTimeoutInMinutes: 60
I would like to add IAM identity centre to my portal Resource as it is defaulting to SAML via CF template
How do I accomplish this
Type: AWS::WorkSpacesWeb::Portal
I'm experimenting with Workspaces web, using Azure as an IdP. I've followed the guidance [here]( If I launch the portal b...
Hey guys!
My Workspace client disconnects from the internet out of nowhere.
My computer is connected to the internet, and when I get in the Workspace the internet is working fine, but after a few mi...
I have this workspace Launch Bundle: Standard with Windows 10 and Office 2016 Pro Plus (Server 2016 based) (PCoIP)
It runs alright but i wanted to migrate to this one: Standard with Windows 1...
This is an issue being faced by a single user when trying to login through their Workspaces Web version. We have multiple users using the service but only a single user with this issue.
Any ideas wh...
Hello everyone,
i started my first experience with the aws workspaces web service.
Unfortunately i got on stuck by providing public internet access for the web browser for my users.
The following s...
When I try to log in using the Aws WorkSpace Web Portal, I see error messages similar to the following: "Unauthorized access to web portal
You have not been assigned access to this WorkSpaces Web port...