Questions tagged with AWS Command Line Interface
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
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I found that the Greengrass installer is unable to load credentials when I'm using an AWS SSO profile. I'm trying the commands below from...
I'm encountering a installation error when using "npx ampx sandbox" in Webstorm Jetbrain after " npm install amplify@latest".
SignatureDoesNotMatch error when attempting to use the ampx sandbox...
I have not been able to upload a file to an S3 bucket for a file of around 120GB. It used to work, but not anymore. Whenever I try, the transfer stops in the middle, very close to the end,...
I've tried using both the aws qbusiness chat-sync CLI command and the underlying API but can't get either to work even though I'm using a user with full `"qbusiness:*" access to all "*"...
I was successfully setup my pi4 as core device, and some components works fine like IP detector in the console.
I was plan to setup Modbus RTU inbuilt component and the component is installed...
Here is the item format on dynamodb table
"Products": {
"ProductGroupA": [
"Description": "2",
"ProductGroupC": [
"Description": "2",
I want to migrate my lightsail to ipv6 only instance, I following this:, but when...
In my taskdef.json I have a volume
"volumes": [
"name": "tmp-files",
"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
"fileSystemId": "fs-0de0326ae8f3dd0b6",
We are using s3 service to upload file in s3 bucket in php. when we tried to upload a file it gives below error.
I am trying to complete the AWS Cloud Resume Challenge. I'm trying to upload to s3 using Github Actions, however even though I have the necessary secrets in my Github Actions and the seemingly the...
Experience level is novice.
I've built my kubernetes cluster and see my nodes and pods in the AWS EKS console but when I try to use kubectl describe nodes command it fails. I've tried it on both the...
So I created a public repo in AWS ECR. When i type the following command in AWS CLI:
`aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin...