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Questions tagged with Amazon RDS on VMWare
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) on VMware lets you deploy managed databases in on-premises VMware environments using the Amazon RDS technology enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of AWS customers.
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76 results
I would like to ask why, after restoring a snapshot in RDS and naming it differently, I am unable to connect. The original instance was named 'mysql8', and after the restoration, it became 'mysql8-tes...
Good morning, everyone! How are you?
I have a question. Suppose I have 2 RDS instances created, and I need to fetch the data from one and paste it into the other, deleting any previous data that was ...
PDOException: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for (end point of rds in aws) failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
This error occurs couple of time in a week. I don't...
I made AWS RDS instance made, Publicly accessible "Yes", have default VPC security group, have two imbound rules one default one and one custom rule as below
Name : blank, Security group rule ID : sg...
I have A Problem of using HeidiSQL client to connect to the AWS RDS MYSQL even after watching the youtube link on the topic. I have double checked the host...
I read that Mysql 8 should be supported by RDS Proxy here, yet I get an error message in AWS Console that it is not for a mysql 8.0.85 instance with managed password by RDS (using secrets manager):
Hello all,
I have a currently running RDS db instance (primary) for production and we would like to add a task running 'Fullload + CDC' (or running 'Fullload' or 'CDC' separately) to this instance. Ho...
I want to create an RDS PostgreSQL database instance using the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 and the free tier template. Can you provide me with some code samples?
I get this error :
I need the MSSQL database service, in this service I will upload some database backups, and then my tool will select all the data in the table, do some processing of these data for another instance of...
Upgrading from PostgreSQL engine 11.19 to 15.2 an instance became stuck restarting over and over. It has done so for 24 hours.
Snippet from one of the logs:
2023-08-22 15:04:35 UTC::@:[395]:LOG:...
RDS Proxy can be used with Blue/Green deployments?
If not, what are the alternatives to this incompatibility?
After the PostgreSQL deprecation announcement from AWS, I decided to defer the upgrade on a scheduled date. However, I'm past the hard deadline ( of 18th July) and server is still running on version 1...