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Questions tagged with SQL Migrations
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33 results
Hi team,
We are created Linked server on single-AZ RDS SQL server for Multi-AZ RDS SQL server. the Linked server some times test connection working and some time not working. we used Multi-az DNS nam...
i got backup from SQL server DB, upload file bak into Bucket S3 and tried to restore it into db on RDS with following commands:
exec msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database
I have AWS lightsail. I use Sqlite3 to fetch some data from AWS to my frontend (siteground).
However, i keep getting the error:
*Access to fetch at '
We are planning to migrate our databases to Aurora, and we would like to know what the impact in our pipeline would be. We are currently running a dms task with Full load, ongoing replication that mig...
Hello, I want Synchronize aws aurora mysql database with GCP CloudSQL in case of disaster. If there is disaster so our system connect GCP CloudSQL to avoid downtime. Is there any guidelines or docs re...
I have some raw CSV data coming in from my THING. I created a rule but am having trouble parsing the data to my Dynamo DB. I can write all to one Type, but not multiple or separately. I want to...
Hi Team,
We are planning to migrate the SQL Server Agent jobs to AWS RDS SQL Server and while going through the Agent related roles, i get to know we don't have similar permission as MS SQL Server. C...
We have an application, which needs to create table in system database in SQL SERVER RDS.
We are getting , below error while trying to create a table.
The following SQL Server error or errors occurr...
I'm currently planning a migration of our database from a Microsoft SQL Server, hosted with a third-party provider, to AWS Neptune. Given the significant differences between a traditional rela...
We are trying to Replicate Data from Oracle RDS to Target oracle RDS by Masking PII data For that we are following below approach:
1. Replicating data from Oracle RDS to 53 bucket by masking PII data...
We are trying to do Data transfer by masking PII data from source RDS account to s3 bucket. But we are not able to add new column using add-column, we don't see any specific errors as well. we are abl...
Hello, We have around 10 databases and planning to migrate to RDS SQL Server(2 RDS). currently we have 4 CPU and 16 GB RAM. How to decide the right sizing for RDS instance . do we have any queries to ...