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Questions tagged with Amazon MemoryDB for Redis
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11 results
We are referring to this document for MemoryDB CloudWatch metrics:
Specifically `SuccessfulReadRequestLatency` .. But in our...
Did anybody experience Memory DB cluster downtime during service update? How to avoid this downtime?
We have 1 Memory DB cluster - a master node with 2 replicas, during service update we had almos...
We have a validator that runs every week and during each run, it provisions a memoryDB cluster, performs write operations, thenn read operations and then finally deprovisions the cluster.
During inte...
I am currently using an Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL instance and am exploring options to create a read replica for scaling read operations. Specifically, I am interested in understanding if it is pos...
I would like to know what will `allkeys-lru` maxmemory policy do when set for memoryDB with Data Tiering, knowing that MemoryDB with Data Tiering is already using LRU to govern placement of values...
I'm following this search query guide for querying vector:
When reaching the part of this:
query = (
I have created the Redis-cache with the option Design by option --> After that i choose the Dev/test cluster
Creation method i choose Easy create.
But when i try to connect using the Endpoint i didn...
I have one MemoryDb Redis but my index return error when the filter have more than 35 tags.
FT.SEARCH 'RT:IDX' @id_product:{96021|104672|167997|92884|179863|174042|35470|98504|41510|25247|231531|6815...
i have set up a domain through Lightsail and implemented my wordpress site. it runs for about 5 mins and then shuts down including admin access here are the error logs i can usually get it running a...
i am trying to create index for my DB but i getting an error as "SYNTAXERR JSON path must start with '$'. Invalid path: SORTABLE" as per Redis Stack this commend should work but not able to create any...
In my case
> DEL key "myCache::555_Fountain"
(error) CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot
So I had to do the following
>CLUSTER KEYSLOT "myCache::555_Fountain"